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15 år sedan
In 1967, an anonymous woman, confused and frustrated after watching a production of one of Harold Pinter’s earliest plays, The Birthday Party, wrote a letter to the playwright:
Dear Sir,
I would be obliged if you would kindly explain to me the meaning of your play The Birthday Party. These are the points which I do not understand:
1. Who are the two men?
2. Where did Stanley come from?
3. Were they all supposed to be normal?
You will appreciate that without the answers to my questions I cannot fully understand your play.
Dear Madam,
I would be obliged if you would kindly explain to me the meaning of your letter. These are the points which I do not understand:
1. Who are you?
2. Where do you come from?
3. Are you supposed to be normal?
You will appreciate that without the answers to these questions I cannot fully understand your letter.
Street Photography: Documenting the Human Condition - Part One of Three from Chris Weeks on Vimeo.
Street Photography: Documenting the Human Condition - Part Two of Three from Chris Weeks on Vimeo.
Street Photography: Documenting the Human Condition - Part Three of Three from Chris Weeks on Vimeo.